OACCUs: 6 EU Countries. 14 Partners. One mission. EU Network for Young Cancer Survivors.


The OAC connects Us - OACCUs - EU Network for Young Cancer Survivors

The project will bring together six different countries from different regions of Europe through 14 different organisations and create a cooperation network that will have a great impact at local, national and European level. The OACCUs project within EU4Health will have a direct impact on the project staff and participating organisations in terms of:

  • Learning and sharing new methods to promote positive attitudes and norms related to physical activity in a healthy environment, healthy eating, self-efficacy in behaviour change, psycho education and psychological well-being. New learning pathways will be developed for young cancer survivors and their friends at European level and will actively support the target group.
  • Strengthening of organisational capacities, project management, cooperation in partnership, research and testing of methods, creation of a toolbox and structuring information, adaptation of content in the field of physical education, organisation of multiplier events, training of trainers, ambassadors and coaches within the target group and quality assurance skills.
  • To create and maintain in the long term a European network of organisations dedicated to the promotion of sport and physical activity, outdoor activities and healthy lifestyles, and to create further new innovative projects for the future.

The OACCUs project will have an impact on participants during and after the project period, through the activities to be carried out. Read more on the OACCUs project website.

Partner Countries:
Sweden, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal
Partner Organisations:
Umeå University (UmU), Region Vasterbottten (RVB), MotiMera (MotiMera), Outdoor against Cancer (OAC), ESV München e.V. (ESV), Creative Thinking Devenlopment (CreThiDev), Patras University (UPatras), University of Palerma (UNIPA), Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell' Educazione e lo Sviluppo Associazione (CEIPES), Lega Italiana per la Lotta Contro i Tumori (LILT), University of Cadiz (UCA), University of Coimbra (UC), University Hospital Center of Coimbra (CHUC), Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (LPCCNRC)

Project 101056984 ( OACCUs )
Responsible Unit: HADEA/A/01
Call: EU4H-2021-PJ submitted for EU4H-2021-PJ / 15 Sep 2021
Topic: EU4H-2021-PJ-04 - Action grants for the EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors
Type of Action: EU4H-PJG
Duration: 18 months

Important Dates:
Project Start Date: 17/06/2022
Project End Date: 16/12/2023

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