From Friday, July 2, 2021,12:00 CET: OAC online training in French language


As OAC Europe, we are doing everything we can to promote all scientific findings on how outdoor exercise and sport work in the fight against cancer, both within and outside Europe. Together with our international team, partners, and members of the OAC advisory board, we will be able to make a timely, rapid and, above all, sustainable impact.
New cooperation with Fondation Lalla Salma, Morocco
With the launch of the OAC online training in French, 78 employees of the Moroccan cancer organization Fondation Lalla Salma will complete this certification process in order to anchor outdoor sports and exercise in the fight against cancer in Moroccan society in the future. 
Subsequently, this will be done through appropriate lectures in the Maisons de Vie. The aim of the lectures is to make clear to patients and their families the positive, health-promoting effect of outdoor exercise and sport on primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of cancer and to initiate a change in the direction to an active lifestyle.
"These are the first steps for a gentle lifestyle change, which is also a major task within Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. These are the ones we need to tackle. For this, OAC Europe has developed a strategy that will succeed in a short time to bring movement into cancer therapies and into society in general within Germany, Europe and beyond. 
Outdoor exercise and sport, as the past 15 pandemic months have made clear, is the way we are working with our international partners and members of the OAC Advisory Board for the benefit of people within Europe and beyond." Petra Thaller OAC Founder and President.
OAC Europe 2015-today

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