Mbarka Oubrahim: First OAC Certified Instructor For Foundation Lalla Salma in Morocco


Physical Activity = Health

"The access to OAC is a source of joy for me because I always enjoy being with cancer patients.
The development of physical activity adapted to each person will bring a great pleasure and love to exercise.
The goal is to support patients during treatment, decrease side effects, and the risk of relapse." Mbarka Oubrahim

Mbarka Oubrahim, nurse and volunteer at Foundation Lalla Salma, was the first to pass successfully OAC certification process.
Exercising during cancer therapy has not been a focus of the Lalla Salma Foundation until now - this will now change step by step thanks to the OAC online Training.
A total of 78 volunteers of the foundation are currently undergoing OAC certification to gain the knowledge of how important physical activities and a healthy lifestyle are during and after cancer treatment.
We would like to congratulate Mbarka Oubrahim on her achievement and look forward to a close cooperation and intensive exchange.
OAC Training Team  and Petra Thaller

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