OAC Europe & Beyond: Supporter of the National Decade Against Cancer & Europe's Beating Cancer Plan


The OAC slogan TOGETHER OUT OF THE WOODS! is a clear commitment in the overall sense of health, sustainability and environmental responsibility. OAC connects cancer patients, their families, and friends and gives them the tools for a healthy future.
The four OAC pillars in Germany, Europe and beyond are 
  • outdoor sports and exercise 
  • in a healthy natural environment
  • healthy nutrition and 
  • psychological well-being. 
OAC actively supports Europe's Beating Cancer Plan in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and is also an official supporter of the National Decade Against Cancer in Germany since October 4. This award has been given with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. 


Über OAC

Bringt Menschen über den Berg!

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